Hey everybody, your blog authors just graduated!!! (Sort of - we have a few more weeks of classes and clinic before it becomes official.)
It's been a long journey - when I started four years ago at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York, I was married and living in suburban Queens. Now I'm no longer married (whew) and live on the west side of L.A. with a dog and cat and a lovely lady named Nini.
I want to send out a few thank you's to the universe... Dr. Alex Feng, 师夫, mentor, inspiration. Dr. John Pai Wen-Chiang of PCOM NY, for your passion and the lovely way you sing the name 血府逐瘀汤 Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, I still remember it. Dr. Roger Tsao, pulse master and karaoke legend. Dr. Steve Jackowicz, for lighting the fire and expanding the way I thought about TCM. Tom Leung, for giving me a chance. The whole Kamwo crew - Jenny, Judy, J2, Rocky, Mandy, Ming Jie, Yangguang, Ray, Jacky, Stacy, Matthew "celebrate good times" Weitzmann, Jonti, Will, Hongwei and Helen holding it down at Grand Meridian, all the guys behind the herb counter including my drinking buddy Mr. Chen... 凉瓜牛肉饭,夏枯草饮,咖啡没糖阿... all my supervisors at the Yosan clinic including Dr. Naiqiang Gu, Dr. Joseph Chang-Qing Yang, Dr. Yuhong Chen, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Jin... and to all my lovely classmates at both schools, some of whom have taught me far more than I could learn in a classroom. To all of you, thank you for making me who and what I am today. I love you.
And to Nini, for healing me, for letting your light shine, for your beauty both inside and out, thank you. I love you.
To my parents and my family, for giving me life, for shaping my life, for being you, you're all wonderful. I love you.
To everyone at Wu Tao Kuan, Zhi Dao Guan, Oishi Judo, Sawtelle Judo, Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate, Park's Tae Kwon Do Long Beach, Wu Jian Pai New York, 上海体育大学,Benzene Dojo in Asakusa, thank you thank you thank you. Martial arts and Chinese medicine are inextricably intertwined, all training in one leads to the other, like two sides of the same coin, as a wise man once said...
To the Great Spirit, God Almighty, The Universal Mother, Guanyin, Jesus Christ, the Jade Emperor, all the various spirits and demons that helped me or hindered me and gave me a lesson, thank you. George Clinton said everything is on the one. Everything is on the one. Everything is on the one.
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