technex: @Jools_jti Ouch dude, that sucks :( Hope you feel better soon.
technex: @Jools_jti If the NHS is gonna take forever try some alternatives like chinese herbal medicine, I've had really good results from that.
Jools_jti: @technex Already taken 7weeks, if I cant see specialist this week, am walking into casualty. Its a strong antibiotic job, ginseng wont do :)
technex: @Jools_jti I had a really bad skin infection and chinese herbs cleared it right up when conventional meds wouldn't, don't write it off.
Jools_jti: @technex Was only joking, I have been using Manuka honey with better results than anything prescribed to date. However its now quite serious
technex: @Jools_jti It's worth a visit to a good chinese herbal doctor, they have real diagnostic skill. But yeah, casualty might be a good backup.
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